Why Is User Experience Crucial For SEO

UX UI SEO Article

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has expanded over the years to include concepts such as User Experience (UX). This concept used to be a concern of designers and product managers alone. 

Now, digital marketers will have to add it to their knowledge base to improve their efficiency. This article will explore UX and how critical it is in helping your page rank better in search results.

What Is User Experience (UX)?

UX is a form of design that focuses on the activities of a user when they get to a website. This covers everything, from the site’s layout, color combinations, and the actions required to complete tasks.

The process creates meaningful experiences for users. It looks for the easiest way for the most challenged person to access solutions with your product.

How Is UX combined with SEO?

Initially, web designers were more concerned about search engines than users. They just added enough keywords and backlinks to web pages to enable search engines to promote websites to the top of search results.

Current search engines emphasize user behavior more than keywords and backlinks. They track user activity on pages and learn from their interactions. Search engines then use this data to determine if your web page is relevant or not.

Ux effect of ranking

Measuring UX on a Website

You can track and analyze specific metrics to measure UX. The following are the most vital indicators you should check in the process:

  • Check user interaction with forms. A tool such as Hotjar analyzes which fields users decline to fill or spend a lot of time filling. This information helps you optimize your forms.
  • You can also observe how users navigate your website using a tool such as Crazy Egg or Microsoft Clarity. It shows you the aspects of your design that are helping or hurting your webpage interactivity.
  • Let people use your website and give you feedback on their experiences. 
  • Tracking page views and the time spent on a page can help you determine which pages on your site are exciting and popular.
  • You can always conduct a customer satisfaction survey to help you measure UX. 
  • Depend on your customer service team to provide information from their interaction with customers who encounter issues when using your website.
  • Tracking page load speed is necessary. Over 70% of consumers say this metric affects their desire to purchase from an online shop. Knowing this provides information on user experience.

User flow

Best Practices for SEO with UX

1. Mobile-First pages

Statistics show that about 59.72% of online traffic comes from mobile sources. This means over 4 billion people browse the internet from their mobile devices.

Refusing to make your web page mobile-friendly makes it inaccessible to about half the number of people online.

Search engines also rate web pages by how mobile-friendly they are.

2. Build Fast Loading Sites

Many web users move on to other pages when the one they are visiting takes more than eight seconds to load. Websites that load quickly offer a better user experience to individuals. Search engines now consider this factor when rating pages in their results.

You can increase the speed of your website by compressing images, using efficient code, and hosting on standard servers.

Boost SEO by reducing loading times on your web pages.

3. Easy Navigation

Having complex navigation for your website shows a lack of structure. It also affects the amount of time a user spends browsing there. Many people move to a different website if they do not find what they’re looking for after visiting three pages.

Design websites with navigation allow a user to complete a task quickly and with less confusion.

Several designers have turned to one-page websites to simplify this. These are user-friendly and excellent for SEO.

4. Use Headings and Titles

Web crawlers use headings to help them summarize pages quickly. Your website must have headings and a title to boost SEO.

Per standard recommendation, you should have one H1 tag and use H2 and H3 tags to organize the page content. Include your keywords in the headings and in a way that makes sense.

5. User-Friendly Layouts

Combining layouts and aesthetics boosts SEO in several ways. How you merge colors, videos, and images determines whether your page is boring or not. These improve the user experience on the page.

Since search engines now consider user experience, you can leverage your layout to get your page to rank higher.

6. A Clear Logo

The logo of a website is one of the most vital elements of a website. Your image should be clear, have a tagline, and include an alternative text describing what it is. Search engines use logos in their page classifications. Using the correct logo improves user experience, which in turn boosts SEO.


It is not possible to separate SEO and UX at the moment. Web designers should include search engine optimization as a factor to consider when planning user experience.

At eMojo digital agency in Dubai, we offer expertise in search engine optimization. We can guide your strategies to help you rank on the first page of a search result depending on the keywords you associate with.
