The Power of Personalization in Digital Marketing: Strategies to Connect with Your Target Audience


In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, connecting with your desired audience and finding people to help grow your business has never been easier. At Emojo, we recognize the vital importance of personalization in digital marketing and how it can revolutionize your connection with your target audience. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the strategies that can help you harness the power of personalization to make your marketing efforts more efficient and effective, ultimately driving significant business growth and success.

Target Language in Your Messaging:

One of the key strategies for achieving personalization in your marketing messaging is using targeted language. When creating ads or crafting blog posts, ensuring that your language resonates with the audience that will encounter it is crucial. By leveraging cutting-edge data analytics tools and gaining deep customer insights, you can gather invaluable information about their demographics, preferences, browsing behavior, purchase history, and more. This wealth of data forms the foundation for creating personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience on a deeper level, effectively capturing their attention and driving engagement.

At Emojo, our team of dedicated experts possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in helping businesses understand their audience and utilize this to create targeted language in their messaging. We will guide you in creating content that speaks directly to your target audience’s pain points, aspirations, and interests. By employing language that resonates with them, you can establish a stronger emotional connection, increase the likelihood of engagement, and ultimately drive conversions.

Using Social Media to Boost Engagement:

Mobile screen full of social media applications

In addition to targeted language, utilizing multiple social media platforms is a highly effective strategy for connecting with your target audience. In the digital age we live in, social media has become an integral part of people’s lives, and each platform attracts a unique demographic with distinct user behaviors. Consequently, it’s vital to establish a presence on the platforms where your audience is most active.

At Emojo, we pride ourselves on our ability to identify the social media platforms where your target audience is most engaged and create compelling, personalized content specifically tailored to those platforms. Whether it’s crafting visually appealing images for Instagram, sharing informative articles on LinkedIn, or running targeted ads on Facebook, our experienced team possesses the expertise to maximize your reach and engagement. By tailoring your content to the specific platform and audience, you can enhance your brand’s visibility, build meaningful connections, and drive business growth.

Utilizing Data Analytics to Understand Your Target Audience

Harnessing the power of data analysis is another critical aspect of personalization in digital marketing. By delving deep into the vast troves of data available, you can gain invaluable insights into what truly resonates with your consumer base, their preferences, and where you can improve your marketing strategies. At Emojo, we possess advanced data analytics tools that allow us to gain a comprehensive understanding of your audience’s behavior, preferences, and purchase history.

By harnessing this powerful information, we can optimize your marketing campaigns and tailor them to meet your target audience’s specific needs and desires. We can identify the most effective channels, messages, and offers that resonate deeply with your audience, ensuring maximum impact and engagement. Furthermore, data analysis can often uncover patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent. By meticulously studying customer interactions, browsing behavior, and engagement metrics, we can identify unique opportunities to refine your marketing strategies and improve overall effectiveness.

Personalizing Your Audiences Experience

Personalization is a profoundly impactful strategy in digital marketing that allows you to establish meaningful connections with your target audience on a deeper level. By skillfully utilizing targeted language in your messaging, leveraging multiple social media platforms, and harnessing the power of data analysis to refine and optimize your marketing efforts continuously, you can unlock tremendous potential for business growth.

At Emojo, we understand the significance of personalization and possess the expertise and cutting-edge tools to help you implement these strategies effectively. Our dedicated team of experts stands ready to assist you in understanding your audience, creating personalized content, and leveraging data to optimize your marketing campaigns. Embrace the power of personalization today, and propel your brand’s visibility, engagement, and conversion rates to new heights.

Making the Web Inclusive: How Website Accessibility Impacts Everyone

Introduction to Website Accessibility

In today’s digital age, online platforms are where most people get their information. The internet allows for quick access to whatever a consumer may need, yet every consumer has a different experience in the online world. While we often focus on aesthetics and functionality, it is equally important to consider accessibility. Accessibility ensures everyone can navigate and engage with online content regardless of their abilities. Websites that are not accessible harm both users with disabilities and the company itself.
The World Health Organization estimates 1 in 6 people in the world’s population experiences a significant disability. By providing an inclusive online experience, businesses can tap into this market and broaden their customer base. An accessible website enhances brand reputation, fostering positive word-of-mouth recommendations and customer loyalty.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Websites need to consider users with visual, auditory, cognitive, and motor impairments to be fully accessible. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the primary standards organization for the global online world. W3C created WCAG 2.1, the most up-to-date benchmark for website accessibility. These guidelines outline steps website creators can take to make their domain user-friendly for everyone. There are four main principles of the WCAG: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. Each of these principles is divided into further categories.


Perceivability primarily focuses on the visual or audio format of a website. This principle says that text alternatives for non-text content are necessary so that a person who is blind can understand the contents of a webpage. Furthermore, transcripts of videos or podcasts are essential for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Contents of the website should also be distinguishable by creating text that is easy to read and colors that users can differentiate.


Having an operable website means users can interact and use every part of the website. This principle states that a developer must make the website functional through a keyboard interface. An operable website also does not include content that can cause seizures or a physical reaction. Navigability is crucial in this principle so users can easily find what they seek.


Website content must be easy to read and understand by the user and assistive technology to follow the Understandability Principle. Understandability is split into three categories: readable, predictable, and input assistance. These three categories help ensure users of all abilities can understand the website’s contents.

The Robustness Principle

A website must be compatible with various user agents, including assistive technologies and browsers, to be robust. Being robust also means a website is compatible with today’s and future technology.

Making an accessible website can benefit your company

By creating an accessible website, you are taking steps towards a more inclusive society. It is a company’s responsibility to ensure all its customers have equal access to information which is why implementing principles to improve user experience is so important.
Improving web accessibility not only helps those with disabilities navigate the online world better but also improves overall user experience. By considering the needs of individuals with disabilities, websites become more user-friendly, resulting in a better experience for everyone. A seamless user experience increases engagement, longer visit durations, and higher conversion rates.

Perform an Accessibility Check

Start by browsing your website to make sure it is functional. Use clear headings, logical page structures, and descriptive labels for buttons and links. This enables screen readers and keyboard navigation to function effectively.
Include alt text (alternative text) for images, describing their content concisely. Provide captions or transcripts for audio and video content. This helps individuals with hearing impairments access the information presented in multimedia formats.
Use color combinations that provide sufficient contrast, making your content readable for individuals with visual impairments. Avoid relying solely on color to convey critical information, and provide additional cues such as text or icons.
Ensure that all functionality on your website can be accessed using a keyboard alone; those with motor impairments may rely on their keyboard for website navigation.

WCAG 2.1 should be used as a guide for updating your website. WCAG covers what is necessary to make a website more user-friendly. Adding alt text and changing the appearance of your website are fixes that you can do yourself, but with the more challenging fixes like the structure of your website and navigation, you may need to call in some help. Hiring a digital marketing agency like Emojo can benefit your company. Having a 3rd party specializing in UX/UI can help ensure your website has every component it needs to be accessible to everyone.


Disability accessibility is not just a legal requirement but a fundamental principle that promotes inclusivity and equal access to online resources. The internet is at the forefront of our society, meaning companies must ensure everyone can access these online abilities. By designing websites with accessibility in mind, you are investing in inclusivity, user experience, and social progress.


The Ultimate Guide to User Acquisition

Interested in retaining customers for the long term? Then it is crucial for you to invest in a customer acquisition strategy so that you can attract the right leads.

Today you will learn the following:

  • Customer acquisition basics
  • Lowering the cost of acquiring new customers
  • Leveraging loyal consumers

We are sure that by the end of this guide, you will understand how to build an agile acquisition strategy that will withstand the ever-changing trends.

If you are already familiar with the first few steps, use the chapter links below to jump ahead to the info you want to know.


Customer acquisition essentially is the process of getting customers to purchase your products.

Elements of a strong customer acquisition strategy:

  • Attract leads
  • Nurtures leads until they become sales-ready
  • Converts leads into customers

Note: the total cost of each step is referred to as your customer acquisition cost (CAC).

Why exactly is customer acquisition important?

Loads of reasons, one being money making, because every business needs to meet costs, pay employees, and reinvest in growth. It is also beneficial to show a track record of traction for investors, partners, and influencers. Systematically attracting and convertinig new customers keeps companies profitable and growing.

What is the primary motivation of customer acquisition?

The purpose of customer acquisition is to find repeatable, methodical ways of attracting customers to your business. The tactic of “waiting for customers to organically come to you” will in no way guarantee an increase in profits over time.

Customer acquisition specialists utilize specific techniques to encourage consumers to make purchases. The goal of this process is to create a systematic, sustainable strategy to acquire new customers and grow business revenue.

In many ways, this process feels like marketing — you’re seeking ways to showcase the brand and connect with customers, but let’s clarify the differences.


Marketing focuses on awareness, while customer acquisition drives action. For instance, let’s say you run a Facebook ad aimed at your target market. Metrics will help determine if your effort is working — you can track how many people have shared your ad, commented on it, etc. Acquisition, on the
other hand, is more involved with the post click-through possess or after the ‘received emails’ phase.
Thus meaning, the human is willing to purchase your products or services.

The main point is that marketing drives recognition — acquisition drives revenue. But what is the difference between lead gen and customer acquisition?

Time for the break down:


Typically in business, we visualise the customer journey as a funnel that highlights the stages in the buying process, each phase reflecting the mindset of the prospect. As customers move down the funnel to become buyers, they: gain awareness about your brand, add your product or service to their list, and decide to become a paying customer.

To simplify, lead generation typically happens at the top of the funnel, lead acquisition happens in the middle, and lead conversion happens at the bottom. Customer acquisition refers to the funnel as a whole.

  • Another way to understand the process is through the “attract,” “convert,” and “close” phases, where strangers become visitors, leads, and customers.

Customer acquisition can also refer to the top and middle of the marketing funnel, with lead generation and acquisition combined. In this case, the bottom of the funnel (conversion) usually requires more dedicated, customised strategies to convert customers, like lead scoring and closing tactics. For our intentions, customer acquisition refers to the entirety of the funnel.


When we create an ad strategy that targets customers who already are intrigued by your product, we call it “acquisition marketing.” These buyers are aware of your brand, which makes them optimal candidates for conversion. Acquisition is different from general marketing because it focuses on those already considering the purchase.

Digital Acquisition Marketing

When companies use online channels like organic search, social media or display ads, they are utilising digital acquisition. A strong strategy of this sort requires alignment between marketing and customer service teams. Your marketing team is responsible for developing and releasing new promotional materials that spark interest. But it’s your customer service team that is directly linked to your customers — and your current customers usually are your best marketers.

When a visitor paruses your site, they will check out the info your marketers wrote and maybe choose to buy what you offer. If they prefer a more hands on approach, they will chat with one of your service members through the live chat feature you provide. They may also decide to reach out via social media, where they will speak with whoever is in charge of representing you on those platforms.

Your customer service team is just as responsible, if not more than marketing, to bring on and keep new customers. That’s why acquisition marketing includes more hands than just your marketing team. Before we address retention through the customer service team, let’s chat about customer acquisition channels that the marketing team can use to capture potential customers’ interest and, most importantly, convert them.


Customer acquisition channels are the specific platforms that companies use to promote products and services to new audiences. This includes organic search, organic social media, and email. The best acquisition channels for your business will likely depend on your audience, resources, and overall strategy.

Customer acquisition methods are broken up into a variety of different types: paid and free, inbound and outbound, etc. Below, we review common methods of acquiring new customers.

1. Organic Search

Organic search refers to the search engine results pages (SERPs), such as Google’s or Bing’s search results. Organic search marketing, by extension, refers to any efforts you make to rank highly in these results.

To leverage organic search as a customer acquisition channel, you must invest in search engine optimization (SEO). Like social media, SEO complements content marketing efforts by optimising content so that it’s more easily found by your target buyer.

So when you Google something, you typically click on one of the first results, right? The idea is to create content that shows up high on the SERPs and makes searchers want to click on your content.

Thankfully, you don’t have to guess how to use organic search, you can just use tools like SEMRush, Open Site Explorer, and Ahrefs to find the best keywords for your business and create powerful content that attracts potential new customers.

2. Paid Search

Paid search marketing (pay-per-click, or PPC) is advertising on search engines. Some PPC platforms, such as Google Ads, allow you to place display ads on partner websites and publishers.

PPC allows you to create a search result and pay for it to show up alongside organic results, increasing your chances of being found.

For best performing content in search engines, you can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner and Microsoft Advertising.

3. Organic Social Media

Social media marketing consists of two methods: organic and paid. Organic media is useful for boosting awareness for your brand, developing a company personality, and sharing content you’ve published in your blog or videos.

Organic social media also inspires customers and followers to help you advertise.

4. Paid Social Media

Leveraging paid social media may be the best tactic, depending on your budget and audience type. Paying for social media advertisements and exposure is an effective way to get content in front of your audience, without having to build up a network of loyal followers, which is vital as well.

Facebook Lead Ads allow you to advertise on social and gather customer information like emails and names. This can make the difference between a follower and a lead, so if your business is looking to build its list, this is likely the acquisition method for you.

5. Email

With all that gathered info, marketers build email lists and leverage such lists to connect with and convert customers. Email marketing can seem like an outdated acquisition method, but it’s highly effective for promoting quality content, product information, discounts and events. It can also be a great way to maintain relationships by sharing a simple happy birthday email.

Email marketing provides a direct line into your consumer’s inbox. Outside of direct sales, there’s no better acquisition tactic to reach the heart of the individual customer.

6. Referrals

Customer referrals is an extremely powerful tool to acquire new customers. While you can’t force current clients to refer others, you can encourage this behaviour. Creating a referral program is a surefire way to bring in new business through your customers.

You can offer incentives — credit, physical gifts, or monetary rewards — to motivate a customer to share about your company. Just keep in mind, if you consider a referral to be valuable, you must provide something equally valuable in return.

While a structured, incentive-based program typically works best for B2C companies, B2B companies tend to have better luck asking for direct referrals from their clients. Whichever strategy you choose, be sure to provide value. Offer customers a reason to refer you — you want them so delighted by your business, that they can’t help but share!

7. Events

Events are a fantastic way to connect with interested prospects and acquire new customers. An event could be a conference, webinar, or a trade show, it’s safe to say you’ve got options.

Today, the majority of events are held online, making customer acquisition simpler, as attendees need to register with email addresses in order to attend. If this customer acquisition channel is new to you, consider holding a small webinar or virtual summit, or renting a booth at a larger event.

8. Traditional Advertising

Traditional advertising channels — AKA TV, radio, and print media — are a great fit for local businesses, as well as large businesses that have the budget for launching multi-city campaigns. Traditional advertising is a powerful acquisition method if you properly target your ads, just make sure to carefully consider the audiences that each publisher caters to.

You can attain audience details from the publisher’s media buying guide. There, they’ll also describe the accepted dimensions, as well as any other requirements for publishing or running your advertisement.

Now that we’ve bulldozed through channels you can use for your customer acquisition plan, let’s cover specific strategies that fall under each channel’s umbrella.


SEO • Content Marketing • Blogging • Social Media Marketing • Video Marketing

Email Retargeting • Sponsored Content • Customer Spotlights • Gated Content • Product Pricing

1. SEO

Customer Acquisition Channel: Organic Search

Create indexable content — content that search engines can read, decipher, and index — as a method to help your content rank better in organic searches. Options for increasing content’s “indexability” include:

  1. Putting your main keyword in the post title
  2. Adding alt text to your images
  3. Uploading transcripts for video and audio content
  4. Linking internally within your site
  • Note: there’s way more that goes into SEO, but these are some basics to get you going. SEO is a top priority for marketing teams across the globe for a couple of reasons: it’s easy and cost-effective. Learn SEO strategies, stay up to date with trends, and optimise blog posts — and you’ll be well on your way to a better content ranking.

2. Content Marketing

Customer Acquisition Channel: Organic Search

An effective customer acquisition method is content marketing. Creating new, exciting, and relevant content is an efficacious way to snag your audience’s attention and lure them to your website.

False advertising and dwindling consumer trust makes content marketing all the more valuable. There’s also no wrong type of content you can create. The heart of content marketing is connecting with and converting your audience. For this reason, each piece of content should be relevant to your readers and include a clear call to action. Don’t forget that content creation and content promotion are two crucial aspects of content marketing.

3. Blogging

Customer Acquisition Channel: Organic Search

Blogging is an incredibly useful acquisition method for businesses of all sizes, industries, and audience types. Running a blog gives you the freedom to explore various topics, flex your knowledge in your industry, and build authority among readers. Blogs offer new opportunities to engage with your audience, a question they can answer in the comments, or an enticing call-to-action they can click.

If you choose to blog, be sure to have sustainable resources in place. Writers can be anyone from employees, freelancers, to guest writers. Having a graphic designer and editor on board will ensure your content is optimised for both search engines and reader experience.

4. Social Media Marketing

Customer Acquisition Channel: Organic Social Media, Paid Social Media

Develop a solid game plan for social media by asking yourself the following questions: What networks are you going to leverage and which ones will you avoid? What’s your brand voice and who will develop and manage the content? Intimidated? Don’t worry! Posting organically on social media can feel like shouting into a void.

The key is to access the right networks — and this all circles back to a well-defined audience. For example, if you’re targeting an audience mostly composed of men, Pinterest would have little value for you as only 15% of men use Pinterest. If your audience is made up of millennials, you should include Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat in your playbook. Consider using social media management tools like HubSpot to help you curate and post content on your networks.

5. Video Marketing

Customer Acquisition Channel: Paid Search, Organic Social Media, Paid Social Media

One of the most complicated (and most effective) forms of content to produce is video. Yet with higher-quality cameras becoming cheaper and a wide array of freelancers to choose from, creating videos is getting easier.

Video production typically involves script writing, editing, production, and animation — all of which you can outsource through freelancers or production agencies. Video tends to be on the expensive side as far as content types go, so be sure to preserve your best ideas for this medium.

Good news: this content type is highly versatile, meaning you can promote through search display ads, organic social media posts, and paid social media posts. You can also add your videos to your blog posts to better engage readers, enhancing your chances of conversion. Don’t have the budget for video marketing? Slideshare is a great alternative to video.

6. Email Retargeting

Customer Acquisition Channel: Email

Keep an eye on list behaviour and retarget your emails accordingly. An example would be when you get a new subscriber, it’s safe to assume that the consumer is interested and wants to learn more. If they don’t respond to the first few emails you send, however, you’ll want to adjust your strategy and A/B test different calls-to-action.

Link clicks in your email will inform you as to what your subscribers are most interested in. Furthermore, people that unsubscribe altogether can give you insight into how your subscribers view your emails and the content you share.

7. Sponsored Content

Customer Acquisition Channel: Paid Search, Paid Social Media, Traditional Advertising

Sponsored advertisements can be created for anything from paid ads on the SERPs to influencer posts on social media. Regardless of the channel you pick, sponsored ads help you generate awareness around your products and services to attract new audiences. You can play with different types of sponsored content, such as sponsored search results, sponsored product mentions, and paid blog posts on related publications.

8. Customer Spotlights

Customer Acquisition Channel: Customer Referrals

A super powerful customer acquisition tactic? Turn your satisfied customers into promoters. Empower your customers to promote your business and help you save time and money on other acquisition methods by…

  1. Requesting customer stories. Whether through case studies, interviews, reviews, or user-generated content, ask your customers to tell their own stories of how they came to discover your business and why they love it. Instead of boasting about your own company via paid advertising or social media, pass the microphone and let your customers do it for you.
  2. Make content easy to share. Customers equipped to directly share content you’ve created, like social posts, blog posts, or graphics will be your best marketers. The viral loop: customers share content that leads their followers back to your business. Create content like “Click to Tweet” links so that your customers can easily share social posts and make sure each piece of published content has options to share via email or social media. The more convenient promotion is for your customers, the more likely they’ll engage.

9. Gated Content

Customer Acquisition Channel: All

Gated content is content that readers must exchange personal information, like emails and names, for access. Possible content types include ebooks, guides, templates, white papers, and more. Shareable through any medium, gated content can be paired with virtually any customer acquisition channel, like a landing page or a social ad.

This content category is an important customer acquisition strategy that straddles the line between SEO, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization. Note that it’s essential to ensure that the content is truly gated — that is, that the guide or ebook isn’t actually indexed and findable online. Otherwise, potential customers will simply search for it without giving you their email.

10. Product Pricing

Customer Acquisition Channel: All

Your product’s pricing strategy is another powerful customer acquisition tool that can be promoted across every channel, down from TV ads to customer referrals. Alternatively, you can let your product pricing attract customers on its own, especially if your competitors’ prices are much higher.

For instance, selling freemium software can help you naturally acquire customers whom you can upsell later. “Free tools” will pull in just about anyone who’s working with a budget or who wants to get a taste of your product before investing in a subscription. If you sell consumer products, “Buy One, Get One Free” will have a horde of customers clicking “Add to cart,” expanding your customer base without much work. Consider the following pricing strategies:

  1. Promotional Pricing
  2. Discount Pricing
  3. Freemium Pricing

These customer acquisition methods work together; social media can promote SEO-optimised content that includes a call-to-action to join an email list.

Mixing up and experimenting with a variety of customer acquisition methods can also help you learn more about your audience and introduce new tactics to your current strategy. Regardless of which you choose, always leave room for analysis, improvement, and change — you never know when customers may stop responding to your methods, or leave altogether.


Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the cost associated with bringing a new customer or client to your business, like marketing costs, events, and advertising. It’s typically calculated for a specific campaign or window of time.

CAC is important because it assigns real value to your marketing efforts and allows you to measure your ROI — a metric inquired about by CEOs, managers, and investors alike.

Calculating Customer Acquisition Cost

High-level customer acquisition cost is calculated by dividing marketing costs associated with a specific campaign or effort by the number of customers acquired from that campaign.


This CAC formula is CAC = MC / CA, where: CAC is customer acquisition cost MC is marketing costs CA is customers acquired. To get a more in-depth, accurate look at CAC, you should include all costs associated with marketing spend, including everything from campaign spend to marketing salaries.


The CAC formula looks like this: CAC = (MC + W + S + OS + OH) / CA, where: CAC is customer acquisition cost, MC is marketing costs, W is wages for marketing and sales, S is marketing and sales software, OS is outsourced services, OH is overhead for marketing and sales, CA is customers acquired.

Where the simple CAC metric might apply to a single campaign, the more complex CAC formula should be calculated within a given window, such as one month or fiscal year. For example, if Company A spent $10,000 on customer acquisition in Q4 of 2021 and acquired 100 customers, the CAC would be $100.

CAC can be a fickle metric and shouldn’t be the only number used to evaluate marketing efforts. Here are a few reasons that could throw off the value and application of your CAC:

  • On average, how often do your customers make purchases? There’s a major difference between the CAC of an Audi dealership and a Starbucks.
  • Does/did your company spend money on marketing efforts that are slated to pay off in the far future? Say you invest in a Q3 campaign but pay for it in Q1. You aren’t necessarily going to see new customers right away from that investment, and that might skew your Q1 CAC.

Regardless, CAC is a critical number to calculate (and consistently recalculate) when acquiring new customers and employing new acquisition methods.

Minimise Customer Acquisition Cost

In marketing you can always do better. You can always reach new audiences, market with better messages, and minimise associated costs. There’s always room for improvement; you are never stuck with a subpar metric.

If you’re looking to improve your CAC, we’ll share with you the following few ways to minimise the cost of acquiring new customers.

  • First improve your website conversion efforts by enhancing calls-to-action, ensuring your site is mobile and tablet responsive, optimising your landing pages, and cleaning up your copywriting. Consider A/B testing a landing page or shopping cart to see if a certain design or copywriting angle works best. These tricks will make sure any customer acquisition methods you’re already employing are top notch.
  • Boost the value of your current customers. This may involve releasing a new product or upgrade in which your customers can also invest in. User value can also skyrocket when they refer other customers or simply act as promoters for your business.
  • Take time to structure your acquisition blueprint and see what each method costs you. Where can you cut back on extra marketing spend or manpower? Costs for specific channels can rise over time and you can always minimise CAC by finding newer, cheaper channels to invest in. This process also ensures a strategy that reflects the most recent marketing trends and remains agile.


Every business needs new customers to grow and succeed, so whether you’re a company of five or 5,000, having a roadmap for customer acquisition is a smart move. Below are a few steps you can take to build a strong customer acquisition roadmap.

1. Make your strategy sustainable

A sustainable customer acquisition strategy is one that works in the long run. This means that the investments you make (money, time, or team) can be upheld for the foreseeable future. So if you plan to acquire new customers through blogging, you should have the tools and resources in place to ensure content production lives past one or two posts — effectively bringing in organic traffic for months or years to come. This is why inbound marketing is effective — it creates sustainable traffic and, therefore, a sustainable source of new customers. Consider this in comparison to ads, which can be an effective way to acquire customers … as long as the ads are live.

2. Build in flexibility

Your customer acquisition strategy should also be flexible because marketing and sales, and the way people respond to them are always changing. While salespeople were once the gatekeepers of information about a product, that’s no longer the case. Consumers are increasingly sceptical of brand claims and anything said about a product by the company or its reps.

In a HubSpot Research study, we found that 81% of consumers trust the advice of family and friends over businesses. Creating a customer acquisition strategy that only relies on salespeople would put your company in a tough spot. Keep your strategy pliable, and you’ll always be ready to respond to market trends.

3. Find your target market

All consumers aren’t your best consumers, and customer acquisition efforts can result in a waste of resources if they’re not targeting the right people. Before you invest in any customer acquisition methods, you must define who you’re targeting with said methods.

The process alone of defining your buyer persona can help weed out any unnecessary or wasted acquisition efforts, as well as alert you to specific needs or desires that some channels may meet. For example, businesses targeting Gen Z might consider creating videos as part of their content marketing strategy, given that 77% of teens and young adults ages 15-25 use YouTube.

A targeted customer acquisition strategy requires taking a step back and figuring out what’s best for your business, resources, and audience. Then, you can expect to see real responses to your customer acquisition efforts.

4. Diversify your approach

Ever heard of cross-pollination? It’s when bees spread pollen between a variety of plants, bringing about variations of species that better withstand time and nature. In this case, marketers can be compared to these well-travelled bees.

When you diversify your acquisition strategy and use various acquisition methods, you have a greater chance of reaching new audiences and generating new leads.

Also, diversifying your customer acquisition strategy creates a balance between risk and reward, meaning if one channel begins to fail (see: salespeople example above or the declining effectiveness of organic Facebook reach), it’s easier to reallocate funds for a new, better-performing method.

5. Track your customer lifetime value

Customer acquisition is important, but how long customers continue doing business with you is even more critical. Understanding the types of customers with the longest customer lifetime value can help you refine your customer acquisition efforts and improve your strategy overall.

Customer lifetime value is the estimated net profit that an individual or business will provide over their lifetime as a paying customer. It’s a helpful factor to consider when getting to know your customers and how they interact with your business.

It also provides a clear valuation of your marketing and support efforts and helps influence business decisions across the board. Customers with high LTV are more expensive to acquire, but they provide the greatest value — in terms of revenue, feedback, and referrals — than other customers.

Calculating customer LTV isn’t difficult, but it does require defining a few metrics along the way, such as average purchase value and frequency. Even if you have to estimate these numbers, having a solid customer LTV can help you predict how much revenue you can roughly expect a customer to provide throughout their relationship with your business.

By defining customer LTV alongside CAC, companies can figure out just how long it takes to replace each investment made in acquiring new customers — and how to better spend that acquisition budget.

6. Prioritize decreasing customer churn, not making up for it

Despite working hard and employing various methods to acquire new customers, sometimes they do leave us. That’s the unfortunate motivation behind customer acquisition, though, and it’s important to recognize. On that note, let’s discuss another buzzword: Churn.

Customer churn represents the percentage of customers that peel away from your business and opt-out of your products or services. It’s also referred to as customer attrition or turnover.

Why is churn important? Customer churn is what motivates businesses to find and acquire new customers. When you lose customers, you want to go out and find new ones, right? Historically, as businesses have experienced higher churn rates, they’ve invested in more (and more expensive) acquisition methods.

It’s time to look at customer acquisition and customer churn in a new light. Instead of using acquisition methods to make up for customer churn, it’s imperative to decrease churn altogether. That way, you can avoid the proverbial “band-aid” of customer acquisition to address the source of the wound — unhappy or unsatisfied customers.

Customer retention can become a powerful customer acquisition tool. Instead of looking outward and onward for new customers to replace the old, forgotten ones, I propose that you look inward and work to retain customers using new and improved customer service methods.

7. Switch from an acquisition funnel to an acquisition flywheel

Remember how I discussed the marketing funnel in the first section? While the funnel is a handy visualisation of how customers come to know and buy from your brand, it’s lacking in one thing: how your current (and past) customers fuel future customers. When your business focuses on delighting and retaining customers, your marketing strategy starts to resemble a flywheel, not a funnel.

The “flywheel” is a model adapted by HubSpot to explain the momentum a business gains when the entire organisation is aligned around delivering a remarkable customer experience that produces happy customers who drive referrals and repeat sales.

That’s customer retention in action: working to retain your customers (instead of paying to replace lost ones). This is an acquisition method in itself — and a much cheaper one at that.

It’s a well-known fact that retaining customers costs much less than acquiring new ones. 90% of happy consumers are more likely to purchase again, and 93% are more likely to be repeat customers at companies with excellent customer service. These are just a few reasons to establish customer retention strategies — just like customer acquisition ones.

The customer retention strategies you put into action will vary based on your business model, audience, resources, and more.


Customer acquisition is the core of any company, small or large. Meaning, you can’t afford to give up on marketing to new customers. Research shows that the key to growth lies with your customer service team and your customers themselves.

Yep, you read that right — companies that succeed put their customers in the spotlight, for both acquisition and retention. So set up your acquisition strategy with care and you can expect to lower the cost while increasing customer lifetime value.

Customer acquisition is all about gaining loyal consumers who not only stick around, but help you expand your reach. Instead of the outdated funnel approach, start seeing your acquisition and retention methods as a flywheel. Bring new customers on board and don’t forget them once they’ve joined. Equip them to succeed and they’ll go to work on your behalf.

Interested in learning more?

Please feel free to contact us!


What Is A Seo Strategy And How To Develop One?


The hot topic of SEO is full of myths and misconceptions. As a business owner, you want to make sure that as much traffic as possible is driven to your website, but what’s the best way to do that? More than anything, a successful SEO strategy requires understanding how your target market searches for information online. It also necessitates creating relevant and engaging content that will rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

When it comes to online visibility, it is no secret that one of the best ways to improve it is through a well-executed SEO strategy. Search engine optimization enhances the organic traffic of your website by showing your webpage on the top results of search engines, which directly increases the revenue. While many different techniques can be used as part of an SEO strategy, all share the common goal of improving the site’s ranking within SERPs. And while there is no guaranteed way to rank a website without following the proper SEO strategy.

SEO strategy is a plan that improves your website ranking on search engines to attract more organic traffic. This plan is based on numerous fundamental pillars such as technical SEO, content strategy, and link building.

SEO blog post

Here Are The 8 Tips To Develop An Effective SEO Strategy this 2022

SEO strategies don’t always have to be about competing with competitors and placing more keywords. You have to understand your audience and their queries in order to enhance visibility on search engines. These eight SEO strategies will help you:

    Create Content For Humans

Google’s algorithm keeps getting smarter by the day. Google’s algorithm is constantly improving its alignment with human thought through the incorporation of human input. Search engines are not fooled anymore by any magic trick or loophole. Therefore, it is best to write content that is useful for users and not search engines.

It would help if you gave priority to your audience what solution they need from you. This can only happen by writing engaging, realistic content. Anybody can see a keyword being stuffed in, and it’s even more apparent when stuffing is used. So make sure you fit keywords where they are needed and use driving keywords to enhance your content.


    Place Targeted Keywords Naturally

Keywords are the core of search engine optimization strategy. By identifying standard search terms, keywords get to the heart of what Google and users are looking for. SEO generates 1000%+ more traffic than organic social media, which accounts for nearly half of all internet traffic. SEO is based on keywords.

Keyword research is the first step. To find the long-term search intent and main keywords, you can use keyword-finding SEO tools such as Ahrefs, keyword planner, etc., and simple on-site searches bars. Next, explore more in-depth to discover more long-tail variations, research competitors to identify keyword gaps, and add the main keywords and supporting keywords in your metadata and the anchor text for any links. Don’t stuff keywords unnaturally to increase the keyword ratio. These keywords should be used naturally to maintain readability in your content.


    User Experience Matters

If your website is complicated to understand or work with, users usually bounce back and land on the following search engine result after a few frustrating minutes. Make sure your website doesn’t have broken links, error landing pages, and a messy structure if you want to create a good user experience.

Users value seamless navigation and a great experience. This also makes it easier for Google’s crawlers to inspect your web pages and decide the ranking on SERP. Make sure your headings are short and easy-to-read paragraphs. This will help to lessen the bounce rate of your landing page and increase your rankings and improve conversion rates overall.


    Create Appropriate Inbound/Outbound Links

Creating domain authority or reputation is an essential element of off-page SEO, i.e. link-building. Both outbound and external links give immunity to your webpage. Links are also a ranking factor. Search engines and crawlers use links to find content. They then evaluate the relevance of those pages to a query. This is also true for internal linking. Don’t be afraid of linking to other pages on your website if it’s necessary or natural. 51% of marketers see an improvement in their marketing efforts after implementing a link-building strategy.


    Format Content For Featured Snippets

Featured snippets play an essential role in gaining organic traffic directly to the website. To increase your possibilities of featured landing snippets, there are some formatting and stylistic options you can make. These include bullet points, numbered lists, infographics, and answering questions directly. Although some data shows that snippets do not always lead to clicks, more than 19% of search results have featured snippets. These snippets are great for increasing brand awareness and getting your name out.


    Focus on Website Speed

You can make your website and web pages stand apart by enhancing website response time because users want immediate information and quick results. If your site takes too much time to load, you may use users. You can increase site speed and smoothness by optimizing and compressing your images and deleting old/defunct Plugins.

It would be best to make responsive design a part of your SEO marketing strategy. Your website will be accessible from many devices. Your website must load properly on all platforms such as mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc., without compromising response time.


    Keep Your Eyes On Google Algorithm Updates

Google is becoming more intelligent and more intuitive each day. The latest algorithm updates penalize or benefit sites. Rankings and penalties from google are determined based on a number of factors, including accessibility, speed, and spammy content. While it is impossible to avoid, there are some easy steps you can take that will help you stay within reach. First, sign up to relevant forums and websites to keep on top of any new/impending developments. Google’s Search Console Community is an excellent place to start. Make sure you closely monitor your organic traffic by using SEO tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush so that you can modify them accordingly.


    Update Existing Content & Add Missing Subtopics

Your SEO strategy can never be finished. It is possible to improve upon the work that you have already done and beat your competitors by continually updating. You should update your content by placing keywords in more natural ways, creating backlinks, and improving the readability score of your content. You can increase traffic to pages that perform well by updating them regularly.

Fish Paper


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. In order to develop an effective SEO strategy, you’ll need to understand how search engines work and the factors that influence their rankings.


Working with proper SEO strategies is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. If you’re unsure where to start or not getting the results you want, our team can help. We’ll develop a custom SEO strategy for your business to help you achieve your goals and get the results you need. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you grow your business.

The True Meaning Of PPC Strategy In 2022

Have you ever come across the word PPC and cracked your brains for what it stands for? Or maybe you just saw it in passing one day and just left it behind. But trust us when we say this, you shouldn’t make the mistake of being unaware of what a PPC strategy is.

A PPC strategy is a vital online marketing ordeal that should not be taken for granted. If you crack the code of a good PPC strategy, then you are set with your project scoring for high numbers. So, let’s end the suspense and get right into the PPC strategy meaning and a lot more.

What is PPC?

PPC is the abbreviated form of pay-per-click. Now, the meaning has suddenly dawned upon you, hasn’t it? Nevertheless, it is an online marketing model which you might be aware of. Every time someone clicks on an ad that is placed and appears on the screen,  the advertising company pays for the traffic that is led to their site. Sounds like an amazing way to earn customers, doesn’t it?

PPC is buying traffic by redirecting users to a site without attempting an organic way to procure it. If you have heard of SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization, it basically works on the same principle. Here, advertisers will place their ads strategically in the links that are sponsored in the SEO. So if someone searches for a business keyword these ads would pop up instantly.

But this isn’t as easy as it might seem. There’s a lot of research needed to find the most profitable keyword according to its popularity and categorize these keywords properly into your campaign. If your PPC works smoothly and customers are happy with it, then as advertisers you earn a hefty profit as your payment gets lesser. 


Google ads


How Is Google Ads Related to PPC?

Now that we have established what PPC is exactly, we can move on to the platforms that offer it to you. And by the title, you must have already guessed what we are going to talk about. If you are looking for the most popular way of putting PPC into practice, Google is your answer.

Google ads is indeed a humongous platform where advertising revels in the profitable market it can sustain. As a business, you can make ads so that you can place them in the SEO engine of Google and see them appear on the platform.

So what happens here is that the users in Google will bid on the keywords and then you have to pay each time someone clicks on your ads. Every time someone punches in some keywords, Google will work as an initiator and put forward some of the ads in front of the consumer. The chosen ads will be based on stuff like quality, relevance, size, etc.

There is an ad rank in place according to which your ad is more likely to appear on the search screen. This ad rank is calculated based on a CPC bid and the score of quality. So, this way you get your targeted consumers who can get stuff from your business according to the price range. In loose terms, it kind of fits into an online auctionary category. To get a closer look at PPC strategy meanings and ways, read on. 




How To Search For Keywords? 

You might be thinking that researching for keywords is such a time-consuming ordeal and may be questioning if there is any other way around this. Well, the simple answer is that there isn’t any. But trust us, all the hard work you might put into keyword research is going to help your business grow through PPC.

It’s not a one-time thing that you research a keyword and place it forever. You have to keep altering it and refining it to meet your potential customers through the google search engine. You create a campaign according to the number of your keywords. So to create as many campaigns as you want, you need a higher keyword count. This will allow you to tap into various relevant and low-priced keywords.


Let’s look at the factors:

  1. Expansion

    One of the most important factors that determine the popularity of your ads in the google search engine and something that contributes to the ad rank is if the keyword is long-tailed. What it essentially means is that your keywords are specific rather than generic. Since there will not be much competition for it, it will be relatively cheaper.

  2. Relevance

    the relevance of the keyword is very important indeed because why will you pay for web traffic that doesn’t even relate to your business. If you have to target the specific words so that you rank higher on the ad rank and get profitable margins.

  3. Exhaustion

    you have to keep on expanding your keywords and altering them, refining them to reach a broader audience. With growing keywords, the quality of your ad campaigns will also grow terrifically.

With these tips, PPC strategy meaning has never been easier. 

How To Manage PPC Campaigns?

Managing your PPC campaigns is as essential as creating your ad campaigns. For your campaigns to be successful, it needs engagement and activity. So let’s take a look at how you can manage your PPC campaigns effectively.

  1. Adding Keywords

    the first order of business for you would be to add as many keywords as you can after filtering through the process of relevance, exhaustion, and expansion as mentioned above.

  2. Adding Negative Keywords

    if you want to improve the relevance of your ad campaigns, introducing non-convertible words as negative keywords is the way to go. It also reduces the amount you waste and gives you a productive outcome.

  3. Making A Split Into Your Ad Groups

    you have to make sure there is an improvement in the CTR or the Click-through rate and the Quality Score that defines your ad rank by making your ad groups smaller through splits so that it becomes more specific and relevant. This will help in more targeted content and link it to your landing page

  4. Review

    you have to constantly review which are the most expensive keywords and whether they are performing well. If not, you can simply remove them to cut down on cost and invest in more performing keywords.

  5. Refining Your Landing Page

    make your landing page very attractive and keep on modifying the content according to the search content of individuals to see a boost in the conversion rates. Try to direct your traffic to different pages.


What Is eMojo Digital Solutions?

eMojo Digital Solutions is truly the solution to all your PPC-related problems as it directs you to the best SEO management system along with paid campaign management, social media management, web development, conversion rate optimization, and online reputation management. Through their specialized talents, sit back and relax while you see your business booming in no time. With measurable, dollar driving, ROI positive results, eMojo Digital Solutions will take your digital efforts up a notch.

Bottom line

Many aspects determine the success of your PPC marketing strategy. But once you have cracked the code to create web traffic to your websites while paying lower prices for ad campaigns, your profits will sore through the roof. So keep in mind the necessary details and get the help of expert agencies to help you grow your business.

Digital marketing for E-commerce web-sites

Stip climb in E-commerce purchases due to global situation

No matter what you sell online, be it clothing, jewelry, car parts, or even diamonds, you will need to promote your store. E-commerce sites are those sites that allow you to engage in commerce on the web, whether you sell goods or services. No matter what you sell, you do so on an e-commerce website.

The years 2020-2021 have taught us a thing or two about online sales. While the world dealt and still dealing with a global pandemic, many business owners found themselves compelled to

redirect themselves to online sales.

credit card on laptop

The ongoing process business owners were going through in 2020-2022

Many businesses closed, some turned to online sales, others froze their assets, and so on. We have undoubtedly learned a thing or two about keeping up with technology. The truth is, if we lag, we will be left behind. Today’s world is highly technological and cannot be compared to former eras.

E-commerce site promotion is mostly technological, but the marketing part can be less technical. In other words, when discussing site promotion for e-commerce sites, we are actually discussing technical promotion and organic promotion.

Main differences between Paid and Organic marketing

Of course, we can talk about PPC for e-commerce sites, but it is usually performed along with technical and organic site promotion. The technical site promotion usually focuses on precise coding, site programing, correct H2 and H3 headers, etc.

In parallel, search engine optimization will focus on writing and publishing content and constructing an array of links for e-commerce sites. Moreover, e-commerce sites will usually require some form of paid promotion. While some people choose to market and advertise through social media platforms, others will prefer marketing with paid campaigns via google.

PPC VS SEO – Which one to pick for E-commerce web-sites

You can’t really tell which one is better. Since every business needs a different kind of site promotion, every business should have a unique online marketing plan made. In some cases, a prominent part of the promotion for e-commerce sites will be organic. In other cases, the proper emphasis should be given to paid promotion on e-commerce sites. Either way, you will want someone professional behind your marketing campaign wheel. In other words, you will need a recommended Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm for e-commerce site promotions.

Organic promotion allows you to enjoy long term exposure

If you would like to benefit from long-term exposure and traffic, you have the possibility of organic site promotion for e-commerce sites. The organic promotion will allow you to get a high placement on the google search engine rating, but it is essential to keep this rating up.

In other words, if you’ve attained a high rating on certain expressions, you will need to continue and maintain said rating. On many occasions, ratings stagger, site owners get punished, etc. if you wish to keep the rating you’ve achieved using e-commerce site promotion, you will need to perform a correct site optimization

order on internet

SEO Tips for E-commerce web-sites

In today’s online world, your target audience is used to automatic sites and very short processes thanks to automation. Therefore, the better your site is at accessibility and automation, the higher it will be ranked in the search results.

Moreover, an e-commerce promotion company would recommend a suitable description for your products. Furthermore, online store promotion will require you to define the metadata and tags on your site accurately. In addition, the inner and outer hyperlink structure should be correct and of high quality. and finally, all of the above is worthless without a good and proper user experience on-site (UX\UI).

Be sure to have added value on your sales site

Another thing we want you to remember is, no matter how much you invest in your promotion, the investment must be qualitative. Let’s explain what we just said. Note that when dealing with online stores promotion or corporate website promotion, it usually comes down to quality.

Whether you’re promoting with Google, Bing, or any other search engine, you should pay heed to upload quality content to your sites. If we’re dealing with an e-commerce site, it should be accurate, of course. The product images should be qualitative, the meta tags and headlines should be accurate, and more.

Technological tools for focusing and optimizing online stores

In order to focus your efforts as best as you can, you have the option of using a variety of technological tools. Though many of them require payment, they are worth the investment. Take Google’s search console, for example. This console allows you to optimize your site in many ways and from different angles.

You can be up to speed on different problems presented by the site and review the rating of your relevant keywords. In addition, these technological tools optimize the writing of meta tags, diagnose problematic situations on the e-commerce site, etc.

Always be sure to do your research on your competition and other stores

Another thing you should know is that during e-commerce site promotion, you should also conduct proper competitor research. This research should carefully examine your competitor’s marketing strategies in your field. For example, if your competitors are advertising on social media platforms, you should be aware of it, know what they are publishing, know their sales, see the search phrases they focus on, and more.

By the way, a good competitor’s research is a relatively short process that usually takes place at the start of the promotional process but can also be conducted later. Good competitor research can often indicate that changing the marketing strategy is warranted.

order onlineSometimes you must change your promotion strategy as you go

It is crucial to keep an eye out for the competition at all times. This can help you better understand your target audiences. This works both ways, and competitor’s research can also teach you what not to do. In this manner, you can learn from your competitor’s mistakes.

So far, we’ve only discussed e-commerce promotion actions that you should take. We will discuss the practical aspect of site promotion from this point on. How practical is it to promote an internet store in this highly competitive world? Well, indeed, the business competition nowadays is fierce.

Paid promotion for e-commerce websites allows you to increase traffic quickly

It’s true that no matter what you decide to sell, you’ll have competitors at every step of the way. However, it is important to remember that many may not put forth the effort and engage in the store promotion process. Marketing an internet store is a journey, and many business owners aren’t ready to take it.

But this journey can also be easier and quicker, especially if you decide to take the path of e-commerce store paid promotion. E-commerce store paid promotion will allow you to see increased customer traffic as soon as a day after the campaign launches. Assuming that the paid promotion is appropriately conducted.

Online stores paid marketing – speedy results

If you are interested in promoting an e-commerce store and lack the patience to wait a few months for the organic promotion to kick in, you could publish on social platforms, Google, etc. PPC for internet stores yield an immediate increase in client traffic, but keep in mind that as soon as your google campaign stops, so will the traffic.

Suppose you managed to acquire new customers during the campaign, good for you. However, if you haven’t, you’ll have to continue the campaign to maintain and increase traffic to your site. The bottom line is that the promotion and marketing journey is never-ending. However, in time you may be able to take it a bit slower.

The first steps of e-commerce site promotion are the most intensive ones

Usually, the first stages in promoting an e-commerce store are relatively intensive. After the initial promotion and marketing, the process should be less intensive and maybe less expensive. And speaking of which, it is essential to allocate funds for e-commerce site promotion.

The marketing of internet stores will require you to a financial commitment that might prove to be rather large. While some sites can be promoted using relatively small budgets, others might cost you tens and maybe hundreds of thousands of shekels. Therefore, if you want to promote an e-commerce site and live to tell the tale, you must assess and dedicate a portion of your budget for promotion at the start of your marketing process.

Designating and planning a budget for an online store marketing

Plan how much money you want to invest in promotion on social media, on the Google platform, on Instagram, etc. while you tread on your marketing path, be sure to oversee your budget management. Make sure you get your money’s worth for your marketing. Check to see if you get increased traffic and receive hot and cold leads. Make sure your campaign pays off.

In dealing with a paid campaign, you can often confirm its effectiveness the day after it was published. However, in dealing with an organic e-commerce store campaign, it might take a while before you can measure its effectiveness.

Be sure to choose the correct professional assistance – an SEO and trade site promotion firm

Anyway, whether you choose an organic promotion or a paid promotion company for your e-commerce site, be sure to select one with experience in your field. For example, if you sell internet clothing, go for a promotion company specializing in this area. Selling medical equipment, shoes, jewelry, hookahs, or anything else? Go for the experience.

On the bottom line, the most important thing to invest in your site is quality. You may choose paid promotion, organic promotion, Bing promotion, or social platforms promotion. Just make sure to maintain high-quality content. The more Google marks your site as a quality site, the higher ranking and placement you’ll receive. This also goes for marketing on social platforms. So adhere to quality marketing, quality content for your clients, and maybe you could also significantly increase traffic to your web store.




Product video genaration for Start-Ups

What is a product video? Who is it for? What are the production phases, and what makes it a creative marketing tool for start-up companies? This and more in the following article

The main idea behind product videos

A product video is one of the best modern marketing tools for exposing new or existing products, and increasing sales and brand recognition. The product video allows companies and businesses to single out the product they are making, developing, and marketing. This is achieved by presenting the product’s strong points and manner of use in a unique visual way using an exciting and original idea. Therefore, product videos are used by all companies developing, manufacturing, or marketing new or existing products. The purpose of the video is determined by its use: increasing sales at sale points, exposing new audiences to a current product or creating new audiences for a new one, presenting the main idea behind the product’s development (usually suited to start-up companies for recruiting investors, etc.), and other uses according to your goals.

The steps needed to make a product video

Nowadays, the production process of a product video is made possible using an increasing number of technologies, including live-action videos, 3D movies, and animation movies with dynamic graphic elements. The product’s presentation method depends, among other things, on the product type and development status. If the product already exists, you will usually shoot it by video from several angles and then edit the source material to a complete product video. If the product is still in development or design, it can be portrayed using visual means like 3D animation. In any case, it is of the utmost importance to clearly present the benefits customers will gain from using the product. So advertisers must make every video with one central idea that makes the product the star and presents the target audience with its various and relative advantages.
product video production set

Producing product videos for start-up companies

The global high-tech industry regularly uses production processes of product videos in order to present the main idea behind the different products they are developing. The purpose of these videos is to showcase the product to potential investors or shareowners for recruiting capital for further development. Also, start-up and high-tech companies use product videos in order to insert new products into the market. In these cases, the video is meant to increase the exposure of their product and increase interest with decision-makers in companies and businesses that may use or resale their products.

In both cases, making a product video is a focused and creative way to make a strong and decisive message about the product that will hopefully pass on to the relevant target audience. Therefore, it is essential to have a well-thought-out marketing message and script that will capture the audience and drive interest to the star – your product.

In conclusion, the process of making a product video allows product developers and manufacturers to present your product according to your desired marketing goals.




How to increase my Google ads score?

Google ads is the most common advertising network in the world, offering a wide variety of stats such as views, clicks, and click-through rates (CTR). The following article will help you improve your ad score and maximize the return investment on your digital advertising campaign.

Google ads is the most common platform for advertisers, and some would say that it is among the most efficient option for sponsored advertisement on the web. Moreover, it is one of the most challenging platforms for its users. Google requires all of its advertisers to fill an online form to receive approval for their campaign on Adwords. The good news is that with professional help from a search engine optimization (SEO) or digital marketing company, the way to get your campaign on the road will be much easier. If you consider advertising a business on Google and the web, these next lines are meant for you.

Don’t rush into a “half baked” campaign

Our goal here is to provide you with helpful tips to improve your score while using Google ads. One of the most important tips is always to keep your ads relevant and to take your time during the creative process.

To ensure a good yield from your ads, don’t rush and upload a campaign unless it is ready. It is also essential to include keywords that are relevant for Pay Per Click (PPC) in your text. Doing so will allow you to increase your click count and score higher in the search results. Eventually, business advertising on Google requires a carefully and accurately constructed campaign, made to catch the eye of your designated clients among the plethora of content out there.

Use high-quality media

Another recommendation we are making is to use high-quality images in your ad’s text. It is important to enlist a professional photography service to make your product shine or showcase your service in an enticing way. There are many skilled product and business photographers to that effect.

Do not skimp on your product marketing, since your target audience expects accurate, sharp, and enticing advertising. If you are deliberating between hiring a professional photographer and doing it yourself – you will be well advised to go professional and create a strong visual message that will pop out. Many internet portals specialize in finding these people.

How does the Google Ads platform rates ads?

The Google ads platform rates ads based on ad quality, relevance, and keywords. For this reason, you should mind the steps needed to improve your ad’s score. If you intend to advertise your business on Google Ads, please follow these steps to improve your score:

– Make sure you define your account according to your target audience.

– Create an appealing headline matching the user’s search query.

– Conduct extensive and professional research of relevant keywords and search phrases.

– Include the keywords and phrases mentioned above in your ad’s text.

– Create an appealing image that will entice the user to click the ad.

Understanding the importance of improving your ad’s score for your business

Google Ads is a software intended to help your business appear in a search engine’s results for certain keywords. Improving your ad’s score will directly increase your market exposure to the world and your target audiences.

The steps mentioned above are an integral part of Advertising your businesses on Google Ads, but you can do a lot more. Eventually, building an advertising campaign requires knowledge and experience, and a digital marketing or an SEO firm can greatly assist you in making an effective and appealing campaign.

What should I know about google ads and how to improve my ad score?

Google Ads are the backbone of the lion’s share of online advertising. Understanding how Google assesses campaigns can help you improve your score. The ads on Google are scored according to the relevance of your ad. The algorithm accounts for the keywords your ads refer to, the location of the ads on the search results pages, and other factors.

Google also accounts for things like Click Through Rates (CTR) and conversion rate (conversion percentage on your site). As long as you meet these and other criteria, you will be able to improve your ad’s score by optimizing your ad campaign for Cost Per Click (CPC).

Acquiring leads via correct publishing on Google Ads

Google Ads allows you to publish online ads meant for gaining leads. However, you should consider some points while activating Google Ads. If your ads have a low placement, you may not get the number of leads you need. For these reasons, it is essential for advertisers the understand why to optimize in the first place.

Google has a search engine named “Panda” meant, among other things, to catalogue any low-quality sites, as well as sites offering unproductive content. When your ads content or keywords are too widespread or unclear, Google could remove it for failing to meet its quality standards. Therefore, Google advertisers are strongly advised to make sure their keywords are relevant in order to make the most of their money invested in the marketing and advertising processes on Google and the web.


